
What Can A Will Do For You?

Wills are legal documents that state your desire for the distribution of your property after you pass away. Many individuals draft a Will to meet their estate planning needs.

A will can provide the following benefits:

  • Choosing an executor for your will who can ensure that your wishes are fulfilled after you pass away.
  • Designating beneficiaries, as well as what each one receives from your estate.
  • Selecting when and how beneficiaries receive property and  finances after your death.
  • Choosing a guardian to care for any minor children in your household after your death.

Unlike a living trust, wills are subject to probate, which is a court-directed process that governs the distribution of your state per the instructions of your will. If you do not explicitly lay out your wishes for your property in a will, the court makes these decisions on your behalf.

Fees indicated herein do not include recording, filing, or courier service charges.

Simple Will
Starting at $149

Let Us Help’s Simple Will form allows you to specify who receives assets after your death and who manages the distribution of these assets, as well as nominating a guardian for any minor children who may have been in your care before your passing.

Simple Will Codicil
Starting at $140

A Simple Will Codicil allows you to amend choices made during the creation of your Simple Will. Amendments can be implemented by the person who created the Will at any time while you are alive and competent.

Simple Will Package (Single)
Starting at $315

Our Single Simple Will Package bundles together several useful legal documents to create a comprehensive Will, including provisions for healthcare and general power of attorney needs.

The Single Simple Will Package contains the following:

  • Simple Will
  • Organizational Section
  • Uniform Statutory Form Power of Attorney
  • Advance Healthcare Directive
  • Checklist for Executor/Personal Representative
Simple Will Package (Joint)
Starting at $385

Let Us Help’s Joint Will Package is designed to meet the estate planning needs of married couples and includes the following documents:

Simple Will Package (Joint)

  • Simple Will (one copy per spouse)
  • Organizational Section (one copy per spouse)
  • Uniform Statutory Form Power of Attorney (one copy per spouse)
  • Advance Healthcare Directive (one copy per spouse)
  • Checklist for Executor/Personal Representative

If you need more help with document preparation and filing for your estate planning needs, Let Us Help is ready to aid California residents with will preparation services. Call LETUSHELP (951-521-1988) more information about legal document preparation and filing that meets your needs.